People who know me call me the Actionator. I know that is not a real word so please all you grammar and proper English freaks don’t give me a hard time on that.
What that word signifies in my opinion is the opposite of being a Procrastinator. And I think that there are two reasons why people procrastinate.
1- They don’t know what to do
2- They are afraid
People who don’t know what to do usually do nothing and people who are afraid are usually that way because they don’t have enough or the correct information.
When people tell me that they want to be financially free I ask them what they are doing about it. Most of the time I get some vague mumbo jumbo and when I sift through it the bottom line that comes out of their mouths are:
“Allan, I really don’t know where to start or what to do.”
“Allan, I just don’t have any money.”
In today’s information overload society that we live in there is no reason not to know what to do. The real problem is people just do not take action.
For example I wonder how many of you reading this right now have actually signed up to get the occasional posts that I do on this Blog. In the very near future I will be posting Breaking Investment Opportunity News here and some of these will have a time-limited deadline on them. Some of these can set you free from the rat race forever. Some of these could make you very wealthy. However, it requires taking a moment to enter your email to the upper right of this Blog.
I have had people say “but Allan I get so much email already.” My question is what kinds of email are you getting and reading and then forwarding out. Email can be the biggest waste of time if you don’t manage it properly. Are you getting and sending emails about Bill Gates or Aol making you rich? Are you forwarding jokes and other useless information? What about chain letters that promise you good luck if you send it or death if you don’t? Just so you know I probably have received over 200 chain letter forwards in 2006. I deleted every single one of them. And I am happy to report I am still alive, rich and happy. So don’t believe all that crap – just hit the delete button and you will have more time to focus on Revenue Producing Activities (RPA’s).
The next one I hear a lot as I said earlier is “Allan, I just don’t have any money.”
Almost all of you have more money than you can imagine or access to it.
Stay tuned for my next post to find out where that money is. Or better yet, sign up for this Blog so you get notified when I complete that next post. Believe me you do not want to miss the next couple of posts.
2007 is here and its time to make some money – Let’s Get At It!