Tuesday, March 06, 2007


When you buy a house you put a down payment of 10% or 20% or whatever. The rest of the money is lent to you by the bank in what we call a mortgage. What you just did was leverage the bank`s money.

If you are a manager in your company and your boss gave you a huge job do to you would go to the people you manage and through delegation and supervision would get them to complete the job. There would be no way for you to complete such a huge job in the time allocated without you leveraging the time of others.

The wealthiest people in the world know the great secret of leverage. You too can become very wealthy if you learn this wonderful Power of Leverage. Here are the two great keys of this secret!

1- You can Leverage other people`s MONEY to make you money.
2- You can Leverage other people`s TIME to make you money.
3- But here is the most important key – It must be a WIN for them and for you.

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