Before you can take action you must off course set yourself on a course of learning. We live in a time of great knowledge and information. Besides great books like the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series by Robert Kiyosaki, books by Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hansen and The Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, there are also great websites you should subscribe to.
Robert Kiyosaki has written a phenomenal set of books as mentioned above and has an excellent website with discussion boards and all at Become a free member or a paid member – but visit the site often.
In Canada Robert Kiyosaki has a facilitator named Darren Weeks. Darren has helped numerous people through his seminars. Visit Darren and see what he does at: Fast Track To Cash Flow.
At the Millionaire Mind Seminar they implored people to read something, study something each day about money. “Spend even 15 minutes a day” said Harv Eker, a self made Millionaire. And that is what I did even though I had always disliked reading anything about managing or investing money.
Within weeks the topic had become interesting and soon I was spending 45 minutes to sometimes over an hour on this subject. 6 months later I was successfully trading foreign currency and reading everything I could lay my hands on about making money, managing money, growing money etc.
Today, it amazes me how far I have come. Can you imagine someone who two years ago knew virtually nothing about money and the economy or commodities, today doing a seminar called The Money Seminar? Today I teach people to do what I did. I teach them to become wealthy – that’s amazing for a guy who has been bankrupt twice.
Here is what I discovered about Learning:
1- There are many, many courses you can take to fix your stinking thinking. I took them all but one or two would have been sufficient. Though I would now highly recommend The Millionaire Mind Intensive. It is the least expensive, most intensive and the most effective.
2- Once you have your mind fixed only take courses that directly affect your business or chosen profession. For example if you are in Network Marketing only take courses that apply to Network Marketing like the Dani Johnson Training, so that you can become an expert in that area. Or if you want to trade foreign currency then become an expert at it by studying anything you can get your hands on.
3- Always keep a journal and take notes. This is critical! I am amazed when I see people at seminars just sitting there listening. There is no way they could remember or retain everything they hear. When you take notes you can at least review them later – in fact that is strongly recommended.
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