I recently began working on a very exciting project and as part of my commitment to my friends to help increase their Networth, I am sharing this opportunity with you.
I came across this investment opportunity just a few weeks ago. I had some difficulty understanding it at first but after I met the founder and asked what seemed like a million questions I finally got the big picture. From that point on I got so excited that I decided not only to invest my money with this company but also to become a part of its Board and possibly its executive team.
In a nutshell this is an opportunity to invest in the Movie and Music Business with this company – Movie Capital Inc. Most of you are probably very familiar with how lucrative this business is. However, besides the opportunity to invest, there is also an opportunity to be part of the Glitz and Glamour of Hollywood.
1- You can get your name on an upcoming music project as Executive Producer (CD’s must be pressed by the end of February).
2- You will become a voting member of the Grammy’s.
3- You will receive a ticket to the 2008 Grammies’ paid for by Movie Capital.
So as you watch this year’s Grammy’s on February 11th imagine yourself sitting there amongst the stars next year.
To help you understand this opportunity and the offer, I invite you to join me on a conference call this Saturday morning – the details are listed below. And if you RSVP and confirm your attendance, I will email you an exciting and easy to read overview of Movie Capital.
I strongly encourage you to be on this call even if you don’t plan on investing. The more you see deals like these, the more you will understand and eventually you will be investing and becoming wealthy.
But please RSVP so I can send you some additional information. As well I have only reserved a few lines. I will increase this depending on how many RSVP’s I get.
Conference Call Details
11.30 AM MST (55 Minutes)
Special Guest: Mitchell Santell, Founder and CEO of Movie Capital Inc.
1-712-432-2323 Access Code: 62400 #
By the way you can also earn shares or cash by referring people. Last year I earned shares from another company to whom I referred investors and those shares are worth a pretty fortune today.
Finally, I will get back to the thread of posts I started within a few days.
Is this your breakout year financially?
I know it can be – I hope you do to!
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