Fortunately for me I have always been an Entrepreneur. Coming up with creative ideas was never a problem – staying focused was the challenge.
However, I must admit I had treated most of the small Home-Based Businesses I had been involved in more like a hobby. And when you treat a business like a hobby you make hobby income or it costs you like a hobby does.
So while I was working on the foreign currency trading I had already started working real hard on a Network Marketing Business I had signed up for but had done nothing with. That is another thing I leaned from T. Harv Eker, he said get into a business – any business by the end of the 3 day seminar. I was already in one – I had just not been working it.
Soon the business had turned into a roaring success and the FFF got even fatter.
Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame says that the fastest way to get very wealthy is to build businesses and sell them. Study his stiff to see what he means.
We live in a booming economy and in a country where opportunity abounds. There is no reason not to succeed if you are willing to work. And that is the problem I run into most.
I find people today have a Lottery Mentality. They want to get rich overnight and are not willing to do anything more than go down to the corner store and buy a ticket. Yet, all they are doing is buying a dream. Don’t get me wrong – I buy Lottery tickets too because there is a guarantee. The guarantee is that if you never buy a lottery ticket you are guaranteed not to win. With a ticket at least you have your line in the water.
But to live your life just wishing and praying that you hit the big one is ridiculous.
This lottery mentality leads to people who want businesses where there isn’t much work or sacrifice or investment or time required. These same people work harder than you can imagine for someone who has no loyalty to them – their boss! They go into work sick! They can’t even take vacation when they want! They work long hours, sometimes without pay! I know – I used to be one of them! When anyone approached me about joining them in business my famous quote was, “Are you kidding? I don’t have any time!”
Sounds familiar? How about “I don’t have any money!” or “As it is I hardly see my family”. In retrospect these were exactly the reasons why I needed to do something.
One day I decided to Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Money! I made Time – I found the Money – And I got my family involved!
There are so many business ideas out there even if you can’t come up with one of your own. Just read Entrepreneur Magazine or any magazine on Home Businesses.
Or if you have enough money buy a franchise. Type Franchise Magazines or Franchise Opportunities into Google and see what you can find. It doesn’t have to be costly! I have seen franchises for as little as $10,000 and off course they run into the millions.
Or if you don’t have a lot of money look at a different type of franchising. Where they have the Shipping Department and they have the Call Centre and they take the Orders and the Payments and they just send you a check. All you have to do is tell your friends about it. You already tell your friends about deals at Wal-Mart and a Movie playing at the local theatre. I bet you Wal-Mart has never sent you a check to thank you for referring someone. Same goes for the Movie Theatre. This type of franchising is called Inter-Personal Marketing or by its other name Network Marketing. This type of Marketing is not on trial anymore. Doctors, Lawyers and other professionals are all doing it. Big corporations are using Network Marketing companies to distribute their products.
The only problem with this type of business for most people is that they all know someone who has not succeeded at it. The reason most probably is that they had no Training or they treated their business like a hobby. When done properly, there is no need to harass family and friends – there is a MUCH EASIER WAY and Dani Johnson can show you how! You just have to See This Dynamic Trainer in action to understand why so many Network Marketers are so excited about her.
Finally if none of the above is for you and excuses are still flowing from you like a leaky faucet then here is the straw that is going to break the Excuse Camel’s Back.
Imagine coming up with a few witty words or a unique design or idea and allowing people to put them on T-Shirts, Mugs, Mouse Pads, Calendars and all sorts of stuff. You create the design, upload it to a free website they give you, they take the orders, they ship the items, they take the payments, they handle returns and at the end of the month they send you a check. Sound too good to be true? Check out this incredible online business – I use it – I know how good it is and how profitable it is – It is called Café Press!